Te acuerdas the Cuban vacations as a kid? A 15-minute drive to Miami Beesh that seemed like a 3-hour drive, because you were so excited to get there. You rented at places like “Sun City”, “The Colonial”, “Singapore”, “Aztec”, etc… When you
Top 10 Reasons you know you’re a Cuban-American
10) Your parents were born in Cuba 09) You, your siblings or cousins are named after a Parent/Grandparent, but your name is said with “ita” or “ito” at the end (e.g. Grandmother “Aleida”, You “Aleidita” or Dad “Jose” You “Joseito”) 08
Cuban 101
Hola People! A few translations for our gente. Here it is: “Vivaporrú” = Vicks Vapor Rub “Ironbér” = Iron Beer “Hambégue” = Hamburger “Guáquer” = Oatmeal (from the term “Quaker” in Quaker Oats) “Hod dó” = Hot Dog “Bish” =